Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Weeks

I apologize for being a blog slacker. Work has been so crazy. Every day I intend to write a long post, but it just hasn't happened. Then I come home and instead of getting my laptop, I read or surf on my iPhone. I feel a little off my routine lately.

I have a lot I want to post about, but for now I want to assure you that everything is ok! We are 25 weeks today, and everything is going well (knock on wood). We had our monthly OB appointment yesterday, and we finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler. It was also our first appointment without an ultrasound LOL! We have booked a 3D ultrasound at the next appointment, so we won't have to wait long to get our visual fix.

Work on the floors continues. Husband thinks he might finish the first room and progress into the baby's room this weekend. Fingers crossed.

Most of all I am shocked at the possibility of having a baby as early as 13 weeks from now. Wow. That seems like no time at all. I have started to read baby books (nothing really constructive I'm afraid), but we have so much to do. I consider myself a fairly anal person, but one thing about expecting via surrogacy is the slight disconnection from the life change about to happen. I need to visit daycares, interview pediatricians, register, etc. Somehow we managed to allow ourselves to put off these steps as long as possible and now we have a lot of work to do.

I have noticed lately that we seem to have turned a corner in our thinking so that (most) pregnant people and storylines don't bother us like they used to. I am not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, it is nice to be able to enjoy baby things and consider yourself a part of it. On the other hand, it makes me feel weird to focus on baby things. Things feel the same yet very different at the same time.

-- Post From My iPhone


Anonymous said...

I remember the corner-turning, and it is an odd feeling.

BTW there's a good book on parenting after IF -- "The Long-Awaited Stork." Other surrogacy books might be more helpful, though.

Very glad that things are going so well!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are progressing and uneventful. I too was obsessed with baby bedding. I would spend hours and hours looking at it online. This next 13 weeks is going to fly....thinking of you!

Nadine said...

Well, I turned that corner a few months ago and even held a baby (gasp), I guess I've been better ever since we found our GC, and I've reached a new point of acceptance about never being pregnant, I'm really really fine with it, I just want to be a mom, and that's it.
Congrats on the 25 week mark!

Sanda said...

I hear you on the busy-ness!! Don't worry about being a blog slacker! I hardly have time to post anymore and it just feels like there is so much to do between baby preparations and work! I haven't even put a dent in my books yet. But we'll both get it all done, I'm sure of it (or at least I'll keep telling myself that I'll get it all done to make myself feel better) :)
Congrats on 25 weeks - that's awesome!

R said...

Congrats on the 25 week mark. I love reading up on people using a GC. Brings me a lot of hope for things to come.

N said...

Hooray for viability!! I can't believe how far along you are already. Time is flying! It is weird to turn the corner of not being bothered by pregnant people, but it is great after you get used to it. It's such a relief. That said, don't be surprised if periodically someone in particular bugs you for some reason. It's like an old wound that sometimes just bubbles up.

Two Shorten the Road said...

I'm glad things continue to go so smoothly! Have fun getting ready for the baby. :)

sara said...

So glad to hear things are going well! I read the long awaited stork and I had mixed feelings on the book. Some is good...some is too cut and dry. But I'll leave you to judge it for yourself.

You are such an inspiration for me! I made our first appointment with our RE to discuss our surrogacy with my best friend. I'm freaked out and hopeful all at the same time. I did this after meeting with three perinalogists and my FSH and previous history. So thanks for giving me are so inspiring!

JW Moxie said...

So, so glad to come read a good update! I can't wait to read more.

Sarah Andrews said...

I am seriously in need of an update from you! How are you making out? You are getting really close!

Anonymous said...

If you're thinking of banking your baby's cord blood, you're welcome to use this $250 gift card...